Congratulations to Dr. Huiming Xu: Best Paper at CSICS 2014

Congratulations to Dr. Huiming Xu for winning Best Paper at the Compound Semiconductor IC Symposium (CSICS) 2014 for his paper titled “Advanced Process and Modeling on 600+ GHz Emitter Ledge Type-II GaAsSb/InP DHBT”. This paper addresses the problem of surface recombination in the extrinsic base region of a DHBT which limits the current gain and scalability of the device. Using an AlInP ledge to passivate the extrinsic base, the current gain was improved by 50%. The best performance device showed fT/fMAX = 480/620 GHz and β=24.


Optical Society of America Awards R.W. Wood Prize to Prof. Milton Feng

Congratulations to Professor Feng and all past and current members of the HSIC group for this award!  Overall, the HSIC group has been awarded 16 patents and has published over 50 papers on the light-emitting transistor and transistor laser. Professor Feng would like to thank all former and current HSIC group members for their efforts.

50th Anniversary of the LED

The October 2013 issue of Proc. IEEE features the 50th anniversary of the LED. Take a look at this issue, featuring articles by great Illinois alumni like Nick Holonyak, George Craford, Russ Dupuis, Fred Kish, John Dallesassee, Dennis Deppe, John Rossi, Joy Laskar, Han Wui Then, and Milton Feng.  Of course other non-Illinois alumni are featured as well (Kroemer, Alferov, Iga, Kumagai, Nakamura), and this issue is chock-full of the illustrious history of light-emitting semiconductors. Highly recommended!50_anniversary

Congratulations to Donald Cheng: Best Student Paper at CSMANTECH

Congratulations to Dr. Donald Cheng for winning Best Student Paper at CSMANTECH 2011 for his paper titled, “Type-II DHBTs Microwave Characterization and Metallization Issues”.  This paper described the problem of emitter-to-base shorts during the fabrication of Type-II submicron DHBTs.  He presented designs of experiment to identify the problem, as well as the solution to the problem.  Ultimately, the BE shorts were minimized, and devices were fabricated with room temperature current gain cutoff frequency (fT) up to 680 GHz.

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