Milton Feng Endowed Scholarship Unveiled at 60th Birthday

At Professor Feng’s 60th birthday party on July 16th, 2010, Richard Chan unveiled the Milton Feng Endowed Scholarship. The scholarship was formed through contributions by friends, colleagues, and former students. It was a fitting end to an evening of symposium-style talks, dinner, drinks, and general merrymaking.

Please contact Eric Iverson to inquire about pictures […]

HSIC Group Revises Kirchoff’s Law

After discovering a flaw in the 160-year-old circuit theory, Han Wui Then’s Transistor Laser research has revised Kirchoff’s current law to account for optical generation/recombination. His research enables a simple and intuitive way to view the relationship between electrons and photons in direct semiconductors.

“Transistor-laser breaks Kirchhoff’s Law, rewrites textbooks”: EE Times

“Transistor laser rewrites […]

New Course on LEDs and Solar Cells

In addition to ECE 447 (Active Microwave Circuit Design), Professor Feng will be joint-teaching a course with Professor K.Y. Cheng. This new course will focus on the physical operation and Green Energy applications of LEDs and Solar Cells.

This will be a great opportunity to learn about these two important devices, from two men that […]

HSIC Group Breaks High Speed Light Modulation Record — Twice

“Scientists break high speed light modulation record — Twice” : Science Daily

“Han Wui Thenworks to create faster, cheaper network technology”: Illinois ECE Headline News

Publication download link: Applied Physics Letters

“4.3 GHz optical bandwidth light emitting transistor” G. Walter, C. H. Wu, H. W. Then, M. Feng, and N. Holonyak, Jr., Appl. Phys. […]

Applied Physics Letters Names Transistor Laser Top 5 Paper of Past 43 Years

Illinois research team fabricates transistor laser:

UI building a better transistor: News-Gazette November 2004

New transistor laser could lead to faster signal processing: UIUC News Bureau November 2004

America Institute of Physics selected “Room Temperature CW Operation of Transistor Laser” as top 5 paper published in […]