850nm Oxide-Confined VCSEL with 40 Gb/s Error Free Data Transmission
Congratulations to Dr. Fei Tan, Mong-Kai Wu, and Michael Liu for their spectacular efforts in developing an oxide-confined VCSEL that can transmit 40 Gb/s error free data rate. This device is the fastest directly modulated laser (not using a peaked driver circuit) in the United States
50th Anniversary of the LED
The October 2013 issue of Proc. IEEE features the 50th anniversary of the LED. Take a look at this issue, featuring articles by great Illinois alumni like Nick Holonyak, George Craford, Russ Dupuis, Fred Kish, John Dallesassee, Dennis Deppe, John Rossi, Joy Laskar, Han Wui Then, and Milton Feng. Of course other non-Illinois alumni are featured as well (Kroemer, Alferov, Iga, Kumagai, Nakamura), and this issue is chock-full of the illustrious history of light-emitting semiconductors. Highly recommended!
Congratulations to Mong-Kai Wu for Cover of Applied Physics Letters
Congratulations to Mong-Kai Wu for his paper, “Voltage modulation of a vertical cavity transistor laser via intra-cavity photon-assisted tunneling,” which was placed on the cover of Volume 101, Issue 8 of Applied Physics Letters.
Congratulations to Donald Cheng: Best Student Paper at CSMANTECH
Transistor Laser is in the News
HKUST Webcast Lecture on Transistor Laser
Milton Feng Endowed Scholarship Unveiled at 60th Birthday
At Professor Feng’s 60th birthday party on July 16th, 2010, Richard Chan unveiled the Milton Feng Endowed Scholarship. The scholarship was formed through contributions by friends, colleagues, and former students. It was a fitting end to an evening of symposium-style talks, dinner, drinks, and general merrymaking.
Please contact Eric Iverson to inquire about pictures […]
HSIC Group Revises Kirchoff’s Law
After discovering a flaw in the 160-year-old circuit theory, Han Wui Then’s Transistor Laser research has revised Kirchoff’s current law to account for optical generation/recombination. His research enables a simple and intuitive way to view the relationship between electrons and photons in direct semiconductors.
“Transistor-laser breaks Kirchhoff’s Law, rewrites textbooks”: EE Times
“Transistor laser rewrites […]
New Course on LEDs and Solar Cells
In addition to ECE 447 (Active Microwave Circuit Design), Professor Feng will be joint-teaching a course with Professor K.Y. Cheng. This new course will focus on the physical operation and Green Energy applications of LEDs and Solar Cells.
This will be a great opportunity to learn about these two important devices, from two men that […]