Transistor Laser (3-port Device)
Optoelectronic device research includes InGaP/GaAs lighting emitting transistors and transistor lasers, as well as light emitting transistors from other material systems. In addition to displaying unique electrical and optical properties, these devices allow novel three port operation utilizing both electrical and optical ports.
Advanced Transistor Device Fabrication
Our group also works on the fabrication of high speed Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs), using InP/GaAsSb double heterojuntion devices and pseudomorphic single heterojunction devices to obtain record setting high frequency operation. In addition to HBTs, our research also includes fabrication and electrical characterization of high power GaN HBT, nano-scale CMOS, pHEMT, and other advanced devices.
Mixed Signal/Microwave Circuit Design and Device Modeling
Our group’s modeling efforts focus on developing accurate small signal, large signal, and noise models to enable high speed circuit design using the most advanced devices. We develop models and circuits for devices being fabricated by our HSIC processing group as well as for international foundries, large corporations, and American defense contractors.